How will I reset my android lock screen password and pin ?

unnamedPeople these days are using  fingerprint to unlock their smartphones instead of pin or password they don’t want to go into typing long passwords or remember stupid set of numbers to unlock the phones. so fingerprint has taken over other security platforms and this generation is going crazy about this technology.



but imagine suddenly your phone fails to verify your fingerprints or someone IMG-20150112-WA0035.jpgunintentionally tried several attempts to unlock  your phone and then your phone suddenly asks for  your PIN number or password  at its lock screen to unlock your phone and you happen to forgot that , what will you do then ?



This happened to me recently while reviewing a ​Mi note4 , for example, causing me to get stuck on the lock screen while being allowed just nine attempts to guess my password. such a panic right !




If you own an Android device, though, don’t despair. As long as it’s linked to a Google account of yours which it very well likely is given how it’s pretty much a necessary part of the Android experience , you can reset your PIN or password remotely via the web browser or app version of Android Device Manager.



Here are the stepsreset-password.jpg

you need to take to reset your PIN or password remotely so you can access your Android phone or tablet again



Reset Your Android Devicekeyboard

First, you will have  to make sure your that your locked phone or tablet is on.See, why because Android Device Manager needs either a mobile or Wi-Fi signal coming out from your locked device in order to communicate with it. Now, if you locked yourself out while it’s on Airplane Mode, well, I’m not sure what to tell you, but if it’s online and connected to net then it’s not too late.



Now follow me as I say ..



Launch Android Device Manager via an app on another device or by typing “android device manager” on the search box of your web browser and going to its site. The actual web address is Make sure you log on with the Google account associated with your locked

  1. Once you’re on Android Device Manager, you’ll bring up essentially the same screen regardless of whether you’re on a browser or app. This screen includes a map as well as a box that shows the devices associated with your Google account. If you have more than one device associated, just look for the specific one that got locked. If it’s not the first device shown, just tap the device name on the screen to bring up a menu of all devices connected to your account. Tap on the correct one.
  2. With the correct device highlighted, you now have a few options. You’ll see “Ring,” “Lock,” and “Erase.” Ring is used for locating your phone if you misplaced it somewhere in your house. Erase is for phones that you lost outside your house and you want to do a factory reset to make sure whoever finds it can’t access your personal stuff. For folks who forgot their lock screen passwords, however, tapping on “Lock” is the way to go. This will launch a screen that allows you to change the lock screen PIN for your device. Enter your new PIN and wait until you get a prompt that says Android Manager has sent the the info about the change to your phone.
  3. Bring up the lock screen of your locked device once again and you will now have an option to enter your new pin (sometimes, it might take a minute or so for it to pop out). Enter the pin, your device should now be unlocked.

There will be times when things won’t go smoothly.

 Sometimes, you might get a message that says “Location unavailable” and you’ll need to do the scan again a few times.


The process also may not work if you have location services turned off for your device or made it hidden via Google Play. To ensure full compatibility with Android Device Manager in the future in case of emergency, the easiest way is to download the “Google Settings” app, tap on “Security,” and turn on the check marks for remotely locating the device and allowing remote lock and erase.


You can also watch this video on how to use android device



How to transfer files from an iPhone to Android ?

Need help switching? 

google images

Don’t worry

Switching is easier than ever



Transfer your stuff from iOS in 3 easy steps.

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Here’s how to switch


Step 1 of 3

Get Google Drive


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First, download Google Drive to your iOS device and sign in with your Google account. If you don’t have a Google account, you can create one now or when you sign in to Google Drive.

If you already have Google Drive installed, make sure to update to the latest version.








Step 2 of 3

Backup your content

google images

Once you are in google drive, open the backup wizard by selecting Menu>Setting>backup. Choose the content that you want to backup, or simply backup everything by selecting “Start backup”.

backing up may take several hours so i recommend you to connect to your WIFI and plugin to a power source and relax.










Step 3 of 3

Sign in on your Android device

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Sign in to your Google account on your new  Android device. Make sure to use the same account that you used to backup your iPhone.

Don’t forget to turn off iMessage.








See it all on your new Android device

Once you’ve signed in on your Android device, you’ll see all your stuff waiting for you. Now let the fun begin.

Five funny tricks with NFC on Your Android

NFC can do much more than make mobile payments.nfc-logo.jpg

NFC (near field communication) may not sound very exciting, but it’s actually a convenient and fun feature that makes sharing content between smartphones easy, and can even help you move towards a truly digital home. True to its name, NFC works at short distances, no more than 4 inches or so. NFC was added to Android phones in 2010, so chances are you and your friends and family have it. You can use it phone-to-phone, with compatible contactless payment systems, and with programmable NFC tags, which can be purchased in bulk on the cheap. NFC tags Here are six ways to use NFC, from sharing pictures to mobile payments to home automation.


1.Share content with Android Beam

Hanging out with fellow Androids? Share pictures, videos, web pages, contact information, and other bits of data simply by tapping the back of your phones together. Think of the convenience of sharing a travel photo just after it’s snapped or sharing contact information at a networking event without having to search for a pen. Instant gratification.



2.Set up your new smartphone using Tap & Go


Next time you upgrade your Android smartphone, try out Tap & Go, a new feature offered in Android Lollipop, that you’ll find during the setup process. Tap & Go transfers your apps and Google accounts directly from your old phone to the new phone, so you don’t have to reinstall everything. (I’ve tried this and it’s awesome!) Tip: if you accidentally skip this step in setup, you can restore your smartphone to factory settings and start over.

3.Make payments using Google Wallet, Mastercard Paypass and More


Store your credit cards on Google Wallet and swipe your smartphone at the register. Google Wallet can be used nearly everywhere that Mastercard is accepted since the two companies have partnered. Visa also offers contactless payment through its payWave service. Have you tried this yet ?Shake12.jpg

4.Share your Wi-Fi Network

When you have guests over, do you have to write out your lengthy, hard-to-remember WiFi password? That’s tedious. Why not use an NFC tag to share instead? NFC tags can be programmed to do certain actions when swiped, including logging into your WiFi network. This is more secure since your guests don’t actually know the password and it’s darn convenient to boot. Your guests will have to install an NFC reader app on their smartphones, but that can be downloaded for free.


5.NFC TagsXperia-NFC-Tags-550x264.jpg

What else can NFC tags do? You can program them for simple actions like activating wireless tethering, launching apps depending your location, dimming your phone’s screen at bedtime, turning off notifications, or setting alarms and timers, for example. Depending on your technical knowledge, you can also program complicated processes such as booting up your PC. Programming NFC tags is easier than you might think, though you’ll need to download an app to do so; many are available in the Google Play Store. You can even embed an NFC tag on your business cards so new contacts can save your info in a snap. As they say, you are limited only by your imagination.


Of course, there’s so much more you can do with NFC, especially when you get comfortable programming NFC tags. You can place them all over your house, in your car, at work, and even on your keychain. Program your phone to adapt to whatever environment you’re in. Imagine the possibilities.


Should I go for a laptop or a tablet ?

Source: Google

These days , tablets have now become quite popular among the users, thanks to their extreme portability, easy to use interfaces and wide range of functions they can be used for. In many ways, the best tablets can almost replace a laptop for someone on the go. But is a tablet really a better choice for someone over a more traditional gaming laptop? After all, laptops can also be extremely portable and have a much wider range of tasks they can be used for.

In this article, I’m going to take a look at the various differences between tablets and laptops to see how they compare to one another and which of the two may be better. By examining these in more detail, one can then have a clearer understanding of which of these two types of mobile computing platforms would serve them better.





Source: Google

it’s still okay if a tablet doesnt  comes  with a keyboard or a mouse, why because tablet being a multi capacitive touch screen it can project pictures and simultaneously the screen serve the purpose of keyboard and mouse as well on the go as the screen itself acts as an input window too.

but for those who feel it difficult to type on a touch screen keyboard, there is always an option for them called OTG ( on the go usb support ), though which they can connect keyboard, mouse and storage devices as well which is pretty similar to laptops.

but for your kind information the concept of laptops are changing too. as the research says that people find it a lot comfortable to scroll pages through touches rather that manually applying extra forces to mouse and keyboards so the laptop making companies are going for a change, they have started introducing touch screens to their laptops along with keyboards and mouse and this sounds more cool right ?

never the less bluetooth acts as the saviour for both these devices. its can easily add wireless keyboard and mouse as well as speakers to your system and makes you feel smarter among all.






Source: Google

size is the biggest reason why a laptop can never beat a tablet. because portability of gadgets have become one of the biggest factor in human life. small and slim a gadget look more attractive and smart in front of others. but to remind you if you are looking for a high-end powerful machine and that too in a tablet then that never possible, laptop can serve you better in this purpose. tablets are available in 5, 7, 10 inches where as laptop starts from 13 and ends in 15 inches. the more bigger it is the more powerful will your system will be.






Source: Google

In my 15 years of experience in dealing with all the electronics gadgets, battery was the main issue, earlier the gadgets use to run with non rechargeable dry cell battery. but now with the advancement of the technology the concept of lithium-ion rechargeable battery has been introduced. those days are gone where one had to spend money in buying  dozens of batteries to run their gadgets.

lithium-ion batteries has pros and cons too. now depending upon your systems processing power and performance the battery life lasts. if you are having a high-end device is obvious that it will consume more battery for example laptops which hardly lasts for 3 hours and if you compare a tablet then for sure it can run a day long.

Also battery life is proportional to the screen size , the bigger the size the more the battery consumption.




Source: Google

Though both of them store digital formats but has a different concept of storage in them. laptop uses the concept of HDD ( Hard Disk Drive ), which is nothing but arrangement of circular metallic discs parallel arranged one above  the another and can store up to 2 TB. Whereas tablet has micro SSD which is very similar to those of memory cards and can store up to 256 GB. While in both the cases you can attach external hard drives to each one of them.



Source: Google

Most of the tablets these days are powered by low lost snapdragon processors that can perform tasks similar to that of intel next generation laptop processors. The difference lies only in their size and compatibility. Due to which the performance delivered by each one of them is different.

but no matter, even high-end tablets are out there in the market these days like Apple ipad Pro that runs on powerful 64-bit Apple A7 processor which has got similar benchmark tests to that of intel core i3 laptop processors. but to remind you it will cost you approximately 40K

But if you are looking for best performance gaming wise system in 30K range than laptops is what you should go for buddy.



Source: Google

You may think that both tablets and laptops has 64-bit chipset but why their applications formats vary then ?

The reason is very simple it is that laptop runs on a windows OS where as a tablet runs on either android OS if it’s a android tablet or ios if its a apple tablet.

you know why so ?

the reason is the difference  in the architecture of their software designed for them. The windows laptop that runs on windows os supports “.exe” file format applications.where as the android tablet runs on google’s android os that can execute only  “.apk’ file formats , in the case of apple  it runs on  “.ipa” formats. Due to company’s security reasons you can’t run  any of the apps on cross-platform devices.





Source: Google

The majority of the tablets are low-budget models that costs only between three to seven thousand rupees which can perform simple tasks like web browsing, listening to music, basic  voice and video calling, office suits, calendar, bluetooth, email, etc.

Next comes the midrange budget models which comes with extra added features like  dual camera, 4G, flash, hd screen,  slim and sleek design, extra storage and extra aided accessories.

THe last but not the  least are the High end tablets which no doubt is going to cost somewhere around 35-50 thousand rupees and can deliver extremely high-end performance , graphics and user experience  one of the best example are iPad , google pixel tab, Sony xperia and many more .

whereas laptops do follow the same principle , higher the configuration more the costly it is .





Source: Google

As it stands, laptops still offer a greater level of flexibility when it comes to mobile computing. They may not have the same level of portability, running times or ease of use of a tablet but there are still a number of issues that tablets need to resolve before they become the main means of mobile computing. Over time, many of these issues will likely be resolved. If you already have a desktop computer, than a tablet may be an option if you use it mainly for entertainment and web usage. If it is going to be your primary computer, than a laptop is definitely the way to go.


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